Characters related by pinyin - most common first
车 jū
且 jù
居 jū
拘 jū
狙 jū
驹 jū
琚 jū
疽 jū
雎 jū
掬 jū
椐 jū
裾 jū
苴 jū
罝 jū
鞠 jū
鞫 jū
泃 jū
腒 jū
锔 jū
跔 jū
局 jú
菊 jú
桔 jú
橘 jú
湨 jú
举 jǔ
咀 jǔ
沮 jǔ
枸 jǔ
矩 jǔ
榉 jǔ
莒 jǔ
蒟 jǔ
龃 jǔ
踽 jǔ
据 jù
剧 jù
句 jù
巨 jù
具 jù
聚 jù
俱 jù
距 jù
拒 jù
锯 jù
窭 jù
遽 jù
苣 jù
沮 jù
惧 jù
炬 jù
钜 jù
飓 jù
踞 jù
瞿 jù
粔 jù
讵 jù
倨 jù
犋 jù
屦 jù
醵 jù
Pinyin phrases without tones
juban 举办 jǔbàn hold
jubao 举报 jǔbào report
jubao 拒爆 jùbào misfired
jubei 具备 jùbèi have
juben 剧本 jùběn script
jubian 聚变 jùbiàn fusion
jubu 局部 júbù local
jucan 聚餐 jùcān dinner
juchang 剧场 jùchǎng playhouse
juchang 局长 jú zhǎng director
jucheng 据称 jùchēng alleged
juchi 锯齿 jùchǐ sawtooth
juci 据此 jùcǐ accordingly
jucuo 举措 jǔcuò initiative
juda 巨大 jùdà enormity
judian 据点 jùdiǎn stronghold
judong 举动 jǔdòng move
juduan 句段 jùduàn syntagmatic
juduo 居多 jūduō judo
jue 巨额 jùé huge amount
jufa 句法 jùfǎ syntactic
jufeng 飓风 jùfēng hurricane
jugong 鞠躬 jūgōng bow
juhao 句号 jùhào full stop
juhe 聚合 jùhé aggregation
juhua 菊花 júhuā chrysanthemum
juhui 聚会 jùhuì gatherings
juji 狙击 jūjī sniper
juji 聚集 jùjí aggregating
jujia 居家 jūjiā home
jujiao 咀嚼 jǔjué chew
jujiao 聚焦 jùjiāo focus
jujin 拘谨 jūjǐn prudish
juju 句句 jù jù sentence
juju 聚聚 jù jù gathering
jujue 拒绝 jùjué denial
julang 巨浪 jùlàng billow
julebu 俱乐部 jùlèbù club
julei 聚类 jùlèi clustering
juli 距离 jùlí distance
julie 剧烈 jùliè bitterest
juliu 拘留 jūliú detention
julong 聚拢 jùlǒng gather
jumian 局面 júmiàn situation
jumin 居民 jūmín dwellers
jumo 巨魔 jùmó trolls
jumu 剧目 jùmù repertoire
jumu 榉木 jǔmù beech
juni 拘泥 jūnì bigoted
jupa 惧怕 jùpà fear
jupi 橘皮 jú pí orange peel
juqi 举起 jǔ qǐ lift
juqing 剧情 jùqíng plot
juran 居然 jūrán actually
juren 巨人 jùrén colossus
jusan 聚散 jù sàn gathering
jusang 沮丧 jǔsàng despond
jushi 举世 jǔshì universally
jushi 局势 júshì situation
jushi 居士 jūshì lay
jushi 居室 jūshì living room
jushou 举手 jǔ shǒu raise your hand
jushou 巨兽 jùshòu behemoth
jushou 聚首 jùshǒu gather
jushoutouzu 举手投足 jǔshǒutóuzú raise your hand
jushouzhilao 举手之劳 jǔshǒuzhīláo raise your hand
jushuo 据说 jùshuō it is said
juti 具体 jùtǐ concrete
jutou 巨头 jùtóu giant
jutuan 剧团 jùtuán troupe
juxi 据悉 jùxī it is reported that
juxian 局限 júxiàn confine
juxiezuo 巨蟹座 jùxièzuò cancer
juxing 举行 jǔxíng held
juxing 巨型 jùxíng giant
juxing 巨星 jùxīng superstar
juxing 矩形 jǔxíng rectangle
juya 拘押 jūyā committal
juyou 具有 jùyǒu have
juyuan 剧院 jùyuàn theatre
juzaiyiqi 聚在一起 jù zài yīqǐ gather together
juzhao 剧照 jùzhào stills
juzhen 矩阵 jǔzhèn matrices
juzhi 举止 jǔzhǐ manner
juzhong 举重 jǔzhòng weightlifting
juzhu 居住 jūzhù inhabit
juzhu 巨著 jùzhù opus
juzi 句子 jùzǐ sentence
juzi 橘子 júzǐ tangerine
Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce