Characters related by pinyin - most common first

shi Home Pinyin

师 shī 诗 shī 湿 shī 施 shī 失 shī 狮 shī 尸 shī 嘘 shī 虱 shī 酾 shī 鸤 shī 浉 shī 蓍 shī 鲺 shī

时 shí 十 shí 什 shí 食 shí 石 shí 实 shí 识 shí 拾 shí 埘 shí 莳 shí 蚀 shí 炻 shí 湜 shí 鲥 shí 鼫 shí

使 shǐ 史 shǐ 始 shǐ 驶 shǐ 屎 shǐ 豕 shǐ 矢 shǐ

是 shì 市 shì 事 shì 式 shì 室 shì 试 shì 士 shì 视 shì 似 shì 世 shì 饰 shì 氏 shì 示 shì 势 shì 适 shì 仕 shì 释 shì 逝 shì 侍 shì 柿 shì 嗜 shì 誓 shì 噬 shì 莳 shì 弑 shì 恃 shì 拭 shì 峙 shì 轼 shì 铈 shì 舐 shì 谥 shì 螫 shì 贳 shì 筮 shì 奭 shì

匙 shi

Pinyin phrases without tones

shia 是啊 shìa yea

shiba 十八 shíbā eighteen

shibai 失败 shībài defeats

shibaizhe 失败者 shībài zhě loser

shiban 石板 shíbǎn flagstone

shibao 时报 shíbào times

shibei 十倍 shíbèi tenfold

shibi 势必 shìbì inevitable

shibie 识别 shíbié identifiable

shibing 士兵 shìbīng soldier

shibushi 时不时 shíbùshí from time to time

shibushi 是不是 shì bùshì isn't it

shicao 食草 shícǎo herbivorous

shice 史册 shǐcè annals

shice 失策 shīcè impolitic

shicha 时差 shíchā jet lag

shicha 视察 shìchá inspected

shicha 视差 shìchā parallax

shichang 市场 shìchǎng market

shichang 市长 shì zhǎng mayor

shichang 时常 shícháng often

shichanghua 市场化 shìchǎng huà marketization

shichangjia 市场价 shìchǎng jià market price

shichangjingji 市场经济 shìchǎng jīngjì market economy

shichi 试吃 shì chī try eating

shichong 食虫 shíchóng insectivores

shichou 世仇 shìchóu feud

shici 誓词 shìcí affirmations

shici 诗词 shīcí poetry

shicong 侍从 shìcóng retainers

shida 十大 shí dà top ten

shida 师大 shī dà normal university

shidai 世代 shìdài cohort

shidai 时代 shídài epoch

shidang 适当 shìdāng apposite

shidao 世道 shìdào world road

shidao 食道 shídào oesophagus

shide 使得 shǐdé make

shide 是的 shì de yes

shidi 史迪 shǐ dí sty

shidi 师弟 shīdì younger brother

shidi 湿地 shīdì marshland

shidian 试点 shìdiǎn pilot

shidiao 失掉 shī diào lose

shidiao 失调 shītiáo disorder

shidu 湿度 shīdù humidity

shidu 适度 shìdù moderate

shiduan 时段 shíduàn time slot

shier 事儿 shì er thing

shier 时而 shíér sometimes

shierbujian 视而不见 shìérbùjiàn turn a blind eye

shieryue 十二月 shíèr yuè december

shifa 事发 shì fā incident

shifan 示范 shìfàn demonstration

shifang 石方 shífāng stonework

shifang 释放 shìfàng freed

shifei 施肥 shīféi fertilisation

shifei 是非 shìfēi right and wrong

shifen 十分 shífēn very

shifen 时分 shífēn time division

shifou 是否 shìfǒu whether

shifu 师傅 shīfù master

shifu 师父 shīfu master

shigao 石膏 shígāo gypsum

shige 时隔 shí gé time interval

shige 诗歌 shīgē poetry

shigong 施工 shīgōng construction

shigong 石工 shígōng masonry

shigu 世故 shìgù sophisticated

shigu 事故 shìgù accident

shiguan 使馆 shǐguǎn embassy

shiguan 石棺 shíguān sarcophagi

shiguan 试管 shìguǎn test tube

shiguang 时光 shíguāng time

shihang 试航 shìháng shakedown

shihang 适航 shìháng airworthiness

shihao 嗜好 shìhào hobby

shihe 适合 shìhé fit

shiheng 失衡 shīhéng kilter

shihou 事后 shìhòu afterthought

shihou 时候 shíhòu time

shihua 实话 shíhuà truth

shihua 石化 shíhuà petrification

shihuai 释怀 shìhuái release

shihualuo 施华洛 shīhuáluò swarovski

shihui 实惠 shíhuì affordable

shihui 时会 shí huì time will

shihui 石灰 shíhuī lime

shihuo 失活 shīhuó deactivation

shiji 世纪 shìjì centuries

shiji 事迹 shìjì deeds

shiji 十几 shí jǐ ten

shiji 实际 shíjì actual

shiji 时基 shíjī timebase

shiji 时机 shíjī opportunity

shiji 时计 shíjì chronometer

shiji 试剂 shìjì reagent

shijia 世家 shìjiā family

shijia 十佳 shí jiā top ten

shijia 施加 shījiā exert

shijian 世间 shìjiān world

shijian 事件 shìjiàn event

shijian 实践 shíjiàn practice

shijian 时间 shíjiān em

shijianbiao 时间表 shíjiān biǎo schedule

shijiang 石匠 shíjiàng mason

shijiao 市郊 shìjiāo suburb

shijiao 视角 shìjiǎo perspective

shijiazhuang 石家庄 shíjiāzhuāng shijiazhuang

shijie 世界 shìjiè world

shijie 师姐 shījiě sister

shijie 时节 shíjié season

shijiebei 世界杯 shìjièbēi world cup

shijieguan 世界观 shìjièguān world view

shijiemori 世界末日 shìjiè mòrì end of the world

shijin 使劲 shǐjìn hard

shijin 失禁 shījìn incontinence

shijin 湿巾 shījīn wipes

shijishang 实际上 shíjì shang actually

shijiu 十九 shíjiǔ nineteen

shijuan 试卷 shìjuàn examination paper

shijue 视觉 shìjué vision

shike 时刻 shíkè moment

shike 蚀刻 shíkè etched

shike 食客 shíkè eaters

shikeerzhi 适可而止 shìkěérzhǐ just right

shikong 失控 shīkòng out of control

shikong 时空 shíkōng space-time

shikou 是口 shìkǒu vocalized

shiku 石窟 shíkū grotto

shikuang 实况 shíkuàng live

shila 石蜡 shílà paraffin

shili 势利 shìlì snob

shili 势力 shìlì power

shili 失礼 shīlǐ discourtesy

shili 实例 shílì instances

shili 实力 shílì strength

shili 市里 shì lǐ in the city

shili 视力 shìlì sight

shilian 失恋 shīliàn lost love

shiliang 矢量 shǐliàng vector

shiliang 适量 shìliàng moderate amount

shiliang 食量 shíliàng food intake

shiliao 食疗 shíliáo diet therapy

shilipai 实力派 shílì pài warlords

shiliu 十六 shíliù sixteen

shiliu 石榴 shíliú pomegranate

shilu 石鲈 shílú grunts

shiluo 失落 shīluò lost

shiluo 莳萝 shíluó dill

shimao 时髦 shímáo fashionable

shimei 师妹 shīmèi sister

shimian 失眠 shīmián insomnia

shimian 市面 shìmiàn market

shimian 石棉 shímián asbestos

shimin 市民 shìmín citizen

shiming 使命 shǐmìng errand

shiming 失明 shīmíng blinded

shimingzhi 实名制 shímíngzhì real-name system

shiminmen 市民们 shìmínmen citizens

shimo 石墨 shímò graphite

shimuyidai 拭目以待 shìmùyǐdài wait and see

shinei 室内 shìnèi indoor

shinei 市内 shì nèi city

shinue 施虐 shīnüè sadistic

shinv 侍女 shìnǚ maidservant

shipei 失配 shīpèi misfit

shipian 诗篇 shīpiān psalm

shipin 视频 shìpín video

shipin 食品 shípǐn food

shipin 饰品 shìpǐn accessories

shipu 食谱 shípǔ cookbooks

shiqi 十七 shíqī seventeen

shiqi 士气 shìqì morale

shiqi 失其 shīqí scarifying

shiqi 时期 shíqí period

shiqian 事前 shìqián beforehand

shiqian 史前 shǐqián prehistoric

shiqing 事情 shìqíng issue

shiqu 失去 shīqù lose

shiqu 逝去 shìqù elapses

shiquanshimei 十全十美 shíquánshíměi perfect

shiran 释然 shìrán relieved

shire 嗜热 shìrè thermophiles

shiren 世人 shìrén earthling

shiren 诗人 shīrén bard

shiri 时日 shí rì time

shirong 市容 shìróng amenity

shirui 石蕊 shíruǐ litmus

shirun 湿润 shīrùn wet

shisan 十三 shísān thirteen

shisan 失散 shīsàn lost

shise 失色 shīsè eclipsed

shishang 世上 shìshàng in the world

shishang 时尚 shíshàng fads

shishe 施舍 shīshě alms

shishen 失神 shīshén inattentive

shisheng 师生 shī shēng teacher and student

shishi 世事 shìshì world affairs

shishi 事事 shì shì everything

shishi 事实 shìshí fact

shishi 史诗 shǐshī epic

shishi 失事 shīshì wrecked

shishi 实事 shíshì real thing

shishi 实施 shíshī implement

shishi 实时 shíshí real time

shishi 时事 shíshì current events

shishi 时时 shíshí always

shishi 是是 shì shì yes yes

shishi 试试 shì shì try

shishi 适时 shìshí timely

shishi 逝世 shìshì passed away

shishikan 试试看 shì shìkàn try it out

shishikeke 时时刻刻 shí shíkè kè every moment

shishishang 事实上 shìshí shàng actually

shishizaizai 实实在在 shí shízài zài really

shishou 失手 shīshǒu missed

shishou 实收 shíshōu paid-up

shisi 十四 shísì fourteen

shisu 世俗 shìsú secular

shisu 时速 shísù speed

shisuan 失算 shīsuàn miscalculation

shisun 石笋 shísǔn stalagmites

shitai 失态 shītài state of mind

shitai 时态 shítài tenses

shitan 试探 shìtàn tentative

shitang 食堂 shítáng cafeteria

shiti 实体 shítǐ entities

shiti 尸体 shītǐ cadaver

shiti 试题 shìtí test questions

shiting 视听 shìtīng audio-visual

shitou 势头 shìtóu momentum

shitou 湿透 shī tòu drenched

shitou 石头 shítou stone

shitu 使徒 shǐtú apostle

shitu 视图 shìtú view

shitu 试图 shìtú attempt

shiwai 室外 shìwài outdoor

shiwang 失望 shīwàng disappointed

shiwei 市委 shìwěi municipal party committee

shiwei 示威 shìwēi demonstration

shiwei 视为 shì wéi considered

shiwen 试问 shìwèn question

shiwu 事务 shìwù affairs

shiwu 事物 shìwù thing

shiwu 十五 shíwǔ fifteen

shiwu 失误 shīwù blunders

shiwu 实物 shíwù real thing

shiwu 食物 shíwù food

shiwusuo 事务所 shìwù suǒ office

shixi 世袭 shìxí hereditary

shixi 实习 shíxí fieldwork

shixia 时下 shíxià nowadays

shixian 事先 shìxiān in advance

shixian 实现 shíxiàn achieve

shixian 时限 shíxiàn time-frame

shixian 视线 shìxiàn sight

shixiang 事项 shìxiàng matter

shixiao 失效 shīxiào inoperative

shixin 失信 shīxìn lost letter

shixing 实行 shíxíng implement

shixiong 师兄 shīxiōng brother

shixisheng 实习生 shíxí shēng intern

shixue 史学 shǐxué historiography

shiyan 失言 shīyán indiscretions

shiyan 实验 shíyàn experiment

shiyan 誓言 shìyán oath

shiyan 试演 shìyǎn auditioned

shiyan 试验 shìyàn experimenting

shiyan 食盐 shíyán salt

shiyan 食言 shíyán renege

shiyan 饰演 shìyǎn play

shiyanshi 实验室 shíyàn shì laboratory

shiye 事业 shìyè cause

shiye 失业 shīyè joblessness

shiye 实业 shíyè industry

shiye 视野 shìyě field of vision

shiyedanwei 事业单位 shìyè dānwèi institution

shiyi 事宜 shìyí matter

shiyi 使役 shǐyì causative

shiyi 十一 shíyī eleven

shiyi 十亿 shíyì billionth

shiyi 失忆 shīyì amnesia

shiyi 失意 shīyì frustrated

shiyi 诗意 shīyì poetical

shiyi 适宜 shìyí appropriateness

shiyi 释义 shìyì paraphrases

shiying 石英 shíyīng quartz

shiying 适应 shìyìng adapt

shiyinghuanjing 适应环境 shìyìng huánjìng adapt to the environment

shiyiyue 十一月 shíyī yuè november

shiyong 使用 shǐyòng use

shiyong 实用 shíyòng practical

shiyong 试用 shìyòng try out

shiyong 适用 shìyòng applies

shiyong 食用 shíyòng eatable

shiyongyou 食用油 shíyòng yóu edible oil

shiyongyu 适用于 shìyòng yú suitable for

shiyongzhe 使用者 shǐyòng zhě user

shiyou 室友 shìyǒu flatmate

shiyou 时有 shí yǒu when

shiyou 石油 shíyóu oil

shiyu 失语 shīyǔ vocalised

shiyu 始于 shǐ yú beginning with

shiyu 食欲 shíyù appetite

shiyue 十月 shí yuè october

shizai 实在 shízài really

shizaishi 实在是 shízài shì it is really

shize 实则 shízé actual

shizhan 实战 shízhàn actual combat

shizhang 誓章 shìzhāng affidavit

shizhe 使者 shǐzhě emissary

shizhen 失真 shīzhēn distortion

shizhen 市镇 shìzhèn boroughs

shizhen 湿疹 shīzhěn eczema

shizheng 实证 shízhèng empirically

shizheng 市政 shìzhèng municipal

shizhengfu 市政府 shì zhèngfǔ city hall

shizhequ 试着去 shìzhe qù try to go

shizhi 使之 shǐ zhī make it

shizhi 失职 shīzhí derelict

shizhi 实质 shízhì substance

shizhi 试纸 shìzhǐ dipstick

shizhi 食指 shízhǐ forefinger

shizhong 失重 shīzhòng weightlessness

shizhong 始终 shǐzhōng always

shizhong 时钟 shízhōng clock

shizhong 适中 shìzhòng moderate

shizhongxin 市中心 shì zhōngxīn city ​​centre

shizhu 失主 shīzhǔ lost owner

shizhu 施主 shīzhǔ donor

shizhuang 时装 shízhuāng couture

shizi 十字 shízì cruciate

shizi 柿子 shìzi persimmon

shizi 狮子 shīzi lion

shizi 虱子 shīzǐ lice

shizi 识字 shìzì literacy

shizijia 十字架 shízìjià cross

shizilukou 十字路口 shízìlù kǒu crossroads

shizizuo 狮子座 shīzǐzuò leo

shizong 失踪 shīzōng missing

shizu 十足 shízú full

shizu 失足 shī zú slip

shizu 氏族 shìzú clan

side 似的 shì de like

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce